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Firstly is the ultimate personal tool that helps you do more of what truly matters to you. It beautifully combines features picked from prioritizing and project management tools, to-do lists, routine trackers, and calendars to help you get the job done.

Firstly was built to help people become the better version of themselves. In a world full of distractions and aimless pursuits, Firstly brings focus to what should take priority. With its simplistic and clean design, Firstly comes packed with many easy-to-use features, yet powerful, ranging from prioritizing to executing what’s on your schedule.

  • The main screen is the Today tab () which displays the tasks on your current schedule and has a design which by default, highlights their priority. To facilitate the prioritizing process Firstly allows users to assign a priority to a Project when creating it, which its tasks inherit.

    A task contains so many features and add-ons to help you plan and execute it. To mark one as completed from the main screen, swipe right, and to archive, swipe left. 

  • The following screen is the Next 7 Days (), which also gives access to the Calendar screen, both designed to easily schedule and unscheduled tasks to facilitate the planning of your next week and your future.
  • The Projects | Lists () screen comes in third place, where you can brainstorm and keep everything organized. Projects are groups of related tasks, and they come with specific features of their own. From the Today’s tab or the Next 7 Days and Calendar screens, the user can view all missed and unscheduled tasks from all Projects and select the ones to add. The color of each Project or List is also the color of its items. Both the deadline and priority assigned to a Project are by default inherited by its tasks.

    Lists are simplified Projects. They are typical to-do lists. They are great for brainstorming ideas and listing items. A list can be switched to a project to start scheduling and working on its tasks.

  • The fourth and last tab () holds your Priority Report, which gives you a detailed insight into the tasks completed in the selected period (weekly, monthly, or yearly). It tells you the number of completed tasks for each priority. It also keeps track of the number of times you have completed routine activities, the prioritizers used, the date of completion for each task, and much more. It also assigns you a focusScore generated from the priority of the tasks completed.

    This tab is also where you can customize your preferences and experience, switch themes and dark mode, select default prioritizers, view the archive, access the Settings () of the app, and so much more.

A New Take on Prioritizing

Many productivity apps allow users to prioritize a task by assigning a label or icon that reminds them of its urgency or importance. This approach rarely works since our human instinct has always been inclined to confuse urgency and priority. The Firstly app follows a guided approach to prioritizing that is just as easy to use – yet more effective, by helping you weigh the level of importance and meaningfulness of the task from a personal perspective.

Prioritizing is an inside, personal game aiming at focusing your attention on the activities/tasks that matter to you. Each prioritizer either focuses on the progress in one aspect of your life or reminds you of what’s most important. For instance, the One Goal Prioritizer targets the achievement of your current number one goal, while the Wellness Prioritizer focuses on your personal growth and betterment. Learn more about each prioritizer here.

The most efficient way to stay on top of prioritizing is by prioritizing Projects rather than individual tasks. Once a Project has a priority, all its tasks inherit the same priority by default. You can always change that inherited priority for specific tasks.

You have the option to select two preferred or default prioritizers, one to use on tasks and another on projects. To choose your default prioritizers follow: Tap on the More tab > focusPrioritizer > Make your selection.


Create | Edit | Complete

  • Inside the Today’s tab or an opened project, click on the + icon on the bottom right of the screen.
  • Inside the Next 7 Days tab and the Calendar, click on the + icon on the right side of the date.
  • Once you have typed the title of the task, tap on the to add a new one or tap the done key on the keyboard to finish.

Tap on any task to open it. Then tap on its title to display the keyboard and start editing. Any change made is automatically saved. Once done, tap on the done (return) key of the keyboard to dismiss the keyboard.

  • Inside the Today’s tab, Next 7 Days tab, the Calendar, and an opened project swipe right () to complete a task.
  • From within a task, select the button Complete in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • Swiping right a completed task will undo its completion.
  • After swiping right tap the icon to complete or undo the completion of a task.

Delete | Archive | Undo

  • For a task, tap on the task to open it, then double-tap on the Delete Task button.
  • For a list item, open the list, then swipe left the item to delete (Tap on the if necessary after swiping left).
  • From the Today’s tab, or from within an opened project, swipe left. Tap on the if needed after swiping left.
  • Completed tasks get automatically archived after the period set within the app’s Settings. By default, they get archived the next day following their completion. This setting does not apply to completed repeating tasks.
  • Deleting or archiving individual tasks from anywhere (You cannot undo the action of deleting a list item)
  • Unscheduling a task directly from the Next 7 Days tab and the Calendar page. (You cannot undo the action of unscheduling a task within itself)
  • Deleting and restoring individual archived task
  • After doing any of the above actions, an undo button will appear on the screen and you will have 5 seconds to use it before it disappears.


Add as many subtasks as needed to any task. These could be the steps to complete a task or maybe a list of items for a grocery trip.

To add a subtask: Open the task > tap on the + or Add new in the Subtask section > Type the subtask title > When done, tap on the  to add a new subtask or tap the done key on the keyboard to finish.

  • To edit a subtask, press and hold any subtask > Edit
  • To complete or undo the completion of a subtask, tap the  on the left side of the subtask
  • To delete a subtask, tap the  mark on the right side of the subtask

Press and hold the subtask, then drag up or down to the preferred place.

Task Priority

Open the task > Tap on the Priority section > Follow the prompt of the selected prioritizer to assign a priority to the task.

Open the task > Tap on the Priority section > Tap on the selected prioritizer > follow the prompt to edit the current priority

Before assigning a priority: Press and hold the Priority section > Select the prioritizer to use

Once a task has a priority, follow: Tap on the Priority section > Tag icon > Select the tag icon for the task

Schedule | Deadline

Scheduling a task is assigning a specific date and time of when the task will happen, which will add the task to the Calendar.

  • To schedule a task: Open the task > Scheduler > Schedule Task > Select the date and time > Schedule (bottom right)
  • To unschedule a task: Open the task > tap on the in the top-right section that includes the current scheduled date and time > Unschedule Task.
  • To Reschedule a task or edit the current scheduled date or time: Open the task > tap on the section that includes the current scheduled date and time > Reschedule > Select the new date and time > Reschedule (bottom right)

A task deadline is a specific date and time of when the task is due. Imagine you have a task: school homework. Its scheduled date is when you will do it, and its deadline is when it is due.

  • Just like scheduling, adding a deadline places the task on the Calendar.
  • You can add a deadline without scheduling the task.
  • By default, tasks inherit their project’s deadline, if any. You can always assign it a new deadline.
  • By default, the Today tab displays uncompleted tasks that are due the next day. You can manage this feature from the Settings of the app. 
  • To add a deadline to a task: Open the task > Scheduler (the section with the scheduled date and time) > Add a deadline > Select the date and time > Set (bottom right)
  • To reset the deadline of a task: Open the task > tap on the in the top-right section that includes the current deadline > Reset deadline.

Reminders | Notifications

Reminders are notifications sent to your device to remind you about a given task. You can assign one or multiple reminders to a single task.

  • To add one or multiple reminders to a task, you must first schedule it. Once scheduled: Open the task > tap on the section displaying the scheduled date of the task > Remind me > Select one or as many reminder options as needed > Set (Bottom right)
  • To remove one or all reminders: Open the task > tap on the section displaying its scheduled date > Remind me > tap on the selected reminder options that you’d like to remove to unselect them (or tap on None to remove all reminders) > Set (Bottom right)

By default, once you assign a specific scheduled date and time to a task, a reminder set to 10 minutes before is also added. You can change or remove this feature inside the Settings of the app.

Go to More tab > tap on the icon (top right corner of the screen) > Tasks Settings > Default reminder alert for scheduled tasks.

If you have set reminders for a task and you never received these reminders, then you have most likely prevented the Firstly app from sending notifications to your device. To change this setting: Open the Settings app on your device > Firstly > Notifications > turn on the switch beside Allow Notifications.

If this does not work, Contact Support for further assistance.

Go to the Settings app on your device > Firstly > Notifications > turn off the switch beside Allow Notifications.

Repeating tasks

This feature is for tasks done regularly. Completed or not, once the day of their recurrence passes, they automatically reschedule themselves for the next.

  • To add or edit the repeating feature of a task, you must first schedule it. Once scheduled: Open the task > tap on the section displaying the scheduled date of the task > Repeat > Select the preferred recurrence frequency > Set (Bottom right)
  • To remove the repeating feature of a task: Open the task > tap on the section displaying the scheduled date of the task > Repeat > Select Does not repeat > Set (Bottom right)

To move the repeating task to its next recurrence, swipe right and select the skipping icon .

Since this feature only shines during planning, it is only available inside the Today and Next 7 Days tabs and the Calendar.

To set the last recurrence date, you must first make the task repeating. Then, follow: Open the task > tap on the section displaying the scheduled date of the task > Last repeat date > Select the date and time > Set (Bottom right)

Open the task > tap on the section displaying the scheduled date of the task > Look at the Repeat section to track that count.

Enhanced note

Type a rich-text note within any task. Add details such as memos, links, addresses, and phone numbers to any task, and have them ready when needed, thanks to an embedded detail extractor. This extractor detects phone numbers, location addresses, and web links from your note and displays them for you to click on them to, respectively, call the phone number, open the address in Maps, or go to the website in Safari.

To add a note: Open the task > tap on the note section > Type the note > When finished, tap Done

Open the task > tap on the in the top-right of the note section > Delete.

Proceed with caution: This action cannot be undone.

Move to another Project or List

Open the task > Tap on the section with the title of the current project > Select the new Project or List.

Proceed with caution: Moving a task from a Project to a List will result in the loss of its data (including its priority, note, scheduling information, and subtasks). The loss data is unrecoverable.

Projects | Lists

Create | Edit

Go to the Projects tab > Tap on the + New in the top-right of the screen > Add the necessary properties of the Project > Tap Create (Bottom-right)

  • To create a Project, you only have to enter the title of the Project. The other properties are optional, but very useful.
  • Swipe left the Project > Select the icon > Make your edits
  • Another way: Open the Project > Tap on the icon in the top-left > Edit Project

Project vs List

  • A project is a collection of related tasks with inheritable properties such as deadline and priority. 
  • A list is a simplified project similar to a to-do list. Lists are great for brainstorming ideas and listing items.

At any time, a list can be turned into a project and vice-versa. Moreover, a list can be merged into a project and vice-versa.

When deciding whether to use a list or a project, a good rule of thumb is to think about whether you will need to schedule its items or not. Tasks can be scheduled list items cannot.

  • Also, remember that at any time, a list can be turned into a project and vice-versa. Moreover, a list can be merged into a project and vice-versa.

Proceed with caution. Once a project switches to or merges with a list, its tasks lose most of their data (including notes, priorities, deadlines, scheduled dates, and repeating features). The lost data is unrecoverable.

Swipe left the Project or List > Tap the icon to edit > Select List or Project > Tap Update (bottom-right).

Proceed with caution. Once a project switches to or merges with a list, its tasks lose most of their data (including notes, priorities, deadlines, scheduled dates, and repeating features). The lost data is unrecoverable.

Delete | Reorder | Merge

  • Swipe left the Project > Select the icon > Delete
  • Another way: Open the Project > Tap on the icon in the top-left > Delete Project

Proceed with caution. Deleting a Project or a List will also delete all its items, including the ones archived. This action is final (No undo feature).

Firstly offers the option of merging two projects or lists or any combination of both. When merging a Project/List with another, all the tasks or list items from the first Project/List will be moved to the selected Project/List. Then, the first Project/List will be deleted. 

  • To merge: Open the Project or List that will cease to exist by the end of the merging > tap on the icon (top-left) > Merge with… > Select the Project or List that will remain at the end of the merging > Merge

Proceed with caution. The merging action is final (No undo option here). Merging a Project with a List will transform all its tasks into list items which result in the loss of the tasks data (including notes, priorities, deadlines, scheduled dates, and repeating features)

Go to the Projects or List tab () > Tap on the icon (top-right) > use the icon to drag around the Projects or Lists > Once you are satisfied with the reordering, tap Done (top-right)

Unassigned Items Project

The Unassigned Items Project is the app’s self-created Project for tasks created outside of a specific Project – Tasks not assigned to a Project. Every task added from the Today’s or Next 7 Days tab or the Calendar is unassigned.

  • You cannot edit this Project. Its purpose is to serve as a temporary holding place for tasks added on the go before being assigned to their specific Projects.
  • Once this Project does not hold any tasks (including in the Archive), it self-deletes.

No, you cannot edit this Project. Its purpose is to serve as a temporary holding place for tasks added on the go before being assigned to their specific Projects.

However, you can merge it with another Project and list. Learn more about merging Projects/Lists here.

Priority | Deadline | Color inheritance

When creating or editing a Project, you can assign a Priority to it. This priority is one of the three inheritable properties of any Project. Therefore, all its current and future tasks without a priority will inherit the same priority.

  • If a Project has its priority removed or changed, all of its tasks with an inherited priority will update accordingly.
  • A task with a specifically assigned priority does not inherit its Project’s priority.

When creating or editing a Project, press and hold the Priority section until the focusPrioritizer tool appears, allowing you to select a prioritizer to use for this specific Project. 

  • The selected prioritizer gets saved for the specific Project. The default Project Prioritizer remains unchanged.
  • To change the default Project Prioritizer, follow: More Tab () > focusPrioritizers > Default Project Prioritizer > Make your selection.

When creating or editing a Project, you can assign a deadline to it. This deadline is one of the three inheritable properties of any Project. Therefore, all its current and future tasks without a deadline will inherit the same deadline.

  • If a Project has its deadline removed or changed, all of its tasks with an inherited deadline will update accordingly.
  • A task with a specifically assigned deadline does not inherit its Project’s deadline.

The color assigned to a Project becomes the color of all its tasks, making it the most inheritable property of a Project.

  • The color of a project automatically changes when switching Project themes. Learn more about Project Themes here.

Adding items to Projects/Lists

With an already created Project or List, follow any of the three ways below to add items to it:

  1. Directly: Open the Project/List > Tap on the + in the bottom right > create the task.
  2. Changing the task’s Project: Open an already created task > Tap on the section holding its current Project name > Select its new Project
  3. Merging Projects/Lists: Open the Project or List that will cease to exist by the end of the merging > tap on the icon (top-left) > Merge with… > Select the Project or List that will remain at the end of the merging > Merge.

Proceed with caution:

The merging action is final (No undo feature). Merging a Project with a List will transform all its tasks into list items which result in the loss of the tasks data (including notes, priorities, deadlines, scheduled dates, and repeating features)

Moving a task from a Project to a List will result in the loss of its data (including its priority, note, scheduling information, and subtasks). The loss data is unrecoverable. 

Planning Ahead

Next 7 Days tab

To use your precious time most efficiently, it is always good to stay on top of planning your very next seven days. Firstly’s Next 7 Days tab has a design that facilitates this process.

  • It always shows what’s happening in the next seven days from today.
  • It allows you to create a task and automatically assign it to a specific day.
  • It also allows you to see all tasks from your Projects that still need scheduling and lets you select and add as many of them in bulk to a specific day.
    • If you change your mind, swipe left on any task to unschedule it.
    • You can also swipe right to mark an upcoming task as completed or undo its completion.
  • It also displays unscheduled tasks with a deadline.
  • To add a task in the Next 7 Days tab: Tap on the + next to the date you’d like to add it to > Either create it by typing its title and tapping on the to add another one, or by using the QuickScheduling feature to select and add already existing tasks in bulk.
  • To remove a task from the Next 7 Days tab, swipe left on it to unschedule it.


To access the Calendar: Tap on the Next 7 Days tab () > Tap on the icon in the top right.

Firstly’s Calendar has a design that facilitates the process of planning your entire future.

  • It is a full Calendar with color markings to make it easy to know which dates already have tasks assigned, missed, or with a deadline.
  • By tapping on any day of that Calendar, you get to see the tasks happening on that day. 
  • It gives you a glance summary of the tasks displayed: The number of tasks due, repeating, or simply occurring on that day.
  • It also allows you to see all tasks from your Projects that still need scheduling and lets you select and add as many of them in bulk to the selected date.
    • If you change your mind, swipe left on any task to unschedule it.
    • You can also swipe right to mark an upcoming task as completed or undo its completion.
  • It also displays unscheduled tasks with a deadline.
  • To add a task to the Calendar: 
    • Select a date.
    • Tap on the + on the right side of the full date displayed.
    • Either create a task by typing its title and tapping on the to add another one, or by using the QuickScheduling feature to select and add existing tasks in bulk.
  • To remove a task from the Calendar, swipe left on it to unschedule it.

Let’s first define some terms:

A missed task is not completed yet and has a specific scheduled date and time, not occurring today and has already passed.

An overdue task is not completed yet and has deadline already passed.

An assigned task will occur on a specified day but does not have a specific scheduled date and time.

A scheduled task will occur on a specific date and time.

Now, for the colors:

  • red date means that there is at least one missed task on that day.
  • The date with a red background has at least one task overdue.
  • The date with a solid white background is today’s date.
  • The date with an orange background has at least one task due.
  • The date with a grayish background has assigned or scheduled tasks.


It is a brand new way of effectively scheduling the tasks from your Projects that need scheduling. This feature makes it easy to follow through on all your Projects.
QuickScheduling groups all overdue and unscheduled tasks in one place for you to select and schedule as many of them as you wish.

From the Today’s tab, Next 7 Days tab, and Calendar page, tap on the + to add a task to a specific date, then instead of typing the new task, tap on QuickScheduling.
From the QuickScheduling page, select one or many tasks to schedule, then tap the ADD button (Bottom-right).

  • From the Projects tab, swipe right the Project to hide from QuickScheduling, then tap on the icon.
  • If a Project has the badge on, then it is currently hidden from QuickScheduling. To make it visible, swipe right, then tap on .



Tap the More tab () > Tap on the in the top right.

Tap the More tab () > Tap on the in the top right > Preferences > Font size > Select your preferred font Size.

Firstly offers two app icons: The original version and a dark version.

Tap the More tab () > Tap on the in the top right > Preferences > Select your preferred app icon.

Tasks Settings

To access the Tasks Settings: Tap the More tab () > Tap on the in the top right > Tasks Settings.

Here is the list of tasks settings at your disposal:

  • Whether to show missed tasks inside the Today’s tab.
  • Select the default reminder alert for a scheduled task.
  • When to start displaying uncompleted tasks with a near deadline inside the Today’s tab.
  • When to auto-archive completed tasks.
  • When to permanently delete archived tasks. 

Themes | Dark Mode

Projects themes are color palettes for your Projects. Once you select a Project theme, automatically, the color of each of your Projects changes to its corresponding color from the new palette. The colors to choose from when creating a Project update as well.

To switch Project themes: Tap the More tab > Project themes > Make your selection.

There are two ways to switch on or off the Dark Mode feature:

  • From the More tab (), there is a Dark Mode switch.
  • Or follow: More tab () > Got to Settings by tapping on the in the top right > Preferences > Dark Mode > Make your selection.


Because deleting a task is a permanent action, the archiving option is more common throughout the Firstly app. The Archive is Firstly’s holding place for previously completed and discarded tasks. It is a crucial part of keeping the Firstly app uncluttered and organized.

To access the Archive: Go to the More tab () > Archive.

Once you are in the Archive, it is easy to either restore a task or permanently deleting it.

Keep in mind:

Archived tasks are part of the Priority Report, and deleted tasks are not.

List items cannot be archived. So when transforming a Project with archived tasks into a List (either by merging or updating), the archived tasks are transformed into completed list items.

There are two ways to restore an archived task:

  • Open the Archive > Swipe left ()
  • Open the Archive > Tap on the task to recover > Select Recover.

Keep in mind that archived tasks are part of the Priority Report, and deleted tasks are not.

To delete archived tasks:

  • Open the Archive > Swipe left ().
  • Open the Archive > Tap on the task to recover > Select Delete.

To permanently delete all archived tasks: Open the Archive > Tap on the in the top left > Delete

By default:

All tasks completed the day prior get automatically moved to the Archive. You can change this preference inside the Tasks Settings of the app.

Archived tasks get permanently deleted 30 days after being archived. You can change this preference inside the Tasks Settings of the app.

To access the Tasks Settings: Go to the More tab () > Tap on the in the top right > Tasks Settings.

Priority Report

Awareness is key to every aspect of success. The Priority Report is a detailed account of the tasks completed in a given period, focusing on their priority. It also provides a focusScore based on the priority and the number of tasks completed within that period.

To access the Priority Report: Tap the More tab > Priority Report.


The Priority Report computes the number of completed regular tasks and the number of times when repeating tasks got completed.

Although archived tasks are part of the Priority Report, deleted tasks are not.

The Priority Report has four parts:

  1. The period section – is where to find a description of the current period and controls to move it forward or backward.
  2. The total number of completed tasks, including the number of times each repeating task got completed.
  3. The Priority Chart – Displaying the number of completed tasks for each Priority level.
  4. focusScore – Displaying your current focusScore. When the score says n/a, then there are not enough completed tasks to generate a focusScore.

All currently completed tasks (including the ones in the Archive)
For repeating tasks, the number of times they got completed is part of the Priority Report.

No. Though archived tasks are part of the Priority Report, deleted tasks are not part of it.

To maximize the usefulness of the Priority Report:

  • Always mark a task as complete once done. Only completed tasks are part of the report.
  • Do not miss a chance to mark a repeating task as complete since once it reschedules itself to its next recurrence, you cannot go back to complete its previous one.
  • Stay on top of prioritizing tasks. An easy way would be prioritizing Projects instead of individual tasks. The priority of a Project is inheritable for all its tasks.
  • Instead of deleting a task, archive it instead.
  • Refrain from permanently deleting archiving tasks, especially completed ones.

The Priority Report offers three different periods: Weekly (the default), monthly, and yearly.

To switch the period type: Open the Archive > Tap on the icon in the top left > Select one of the period types.

To view the previous or next period: Open the Archive, then tap on the (>) or (<) next to the period description to move respectively forward or backward.

Tap on any entry of the Priority Report for more details about the tasks completed, their priority, and the Prioritizer used.

When viewing the completed tasks, note that repeating tasks are marked with the icon and display their number of completed recurrences within the selected period.


The focusScore is a numerical expression computed from the number and priority of all completed tasks within a given period. The prioritizing process of the Firstly app is all about focusing on what matters most to you. Therefore, the focusScore depicts how focused on what matters most you were in the given period. 

  • The highest score is 100.
  • As you switch period types, the number of tasks completed within each Priority level changes, and so does the focusScore.


  1. Completed but not prioritized tasks often negatively impact your focusScore.
  2. When computing the focusScore, what matters most is not the number of completed tasks in general but the number of completed First Priority tasks compared to the other Priority levels.
  3. Deleted tasks do not count when computing the focusScore.


Here is the meaning behind your focusScore:

  • 100: Excellent focus. Now, you only need to keep focusing on your self-growth, which in turn, will keep on evolving your life goals and impact to new heights.
  • 85-99: Great focus. You mostly do what matters most to you. Ensure that the very few tasks you do that are not First Priority are necessary and that they always get scheduled beforehand.
  • 70-84: Good focus. The main focus at this stage is to start prioritizing the pursuits of what matters most to you. You should spend most of your precious time doing those activities.
  • 60-69: Decent focus. Find new ways to have spare time and use it to work on your life goals. No matter how small it could be, completing any actionable step toward any of your life goals is crucial at this stage.
  • 50-60: Beginner level focus. If you haven’t started already, this is a great time to focus on your self-growth journey. A good starting point would be sparing 30 minutes to read a self-development book every day.
  • Below-50: Low focus. At this stage, your focus should be on two activities:
    • First, eliminate as many activities that are not First Priority as possible.
    • Second, find out what your current life goals are. Remember that these goals evolve as you grow, so do not overthink this activity.
  • n/a: focusScore could not be generated because there are less than 10 completed tasks.
  • The focusScore is only computable when ten or more completed tasks are available within the selected period.
  • The number of completed tasks in each Priority level is the one major factor influencing the focusScore.
  • Each Priority level has a different weight for its completed tasks when computing the focusScore. First Priority tasks having the highest weight of all.

Each Priority level has a different set weight for its completed tasks when computing the focusScore. First Priority tasks have the highest weight of all.

Therefore, completing more First Priority tasks will increase the focusScore.

Account & Purchases

Free Trial & Premium

Yes, Firstly has a 7-days Free trial.  Plus, for your peace of mind, once the free trial period is over, your card will not be automatically charged. No need to cancel anything.

During the free trial, the 5 premium add-ons that come with the Lifetime Premium access, are also unlocked to give you the full Premium experience.

Firstly’s Premium is a one-time charge that provides lifetime access to the app. Even when you buy a new phone, you will still have access for as long as you use the same AppleID.

Moreover, Firstly’s Lifetime access comes with 5 premium add-ons: 2 Prioritizers and 3 Project Themes.

Firstly’s Lifetime Premium access permanently unlocks all of Firstly’s features and comes with 5 premium add-on bonuses: 2 Prioritizers and 3 Project Themes. These add-ons are also unlocked forever.


Once you are a Premium user, you can enhance the Firstly app with add-ons. Add-ons come in 4 categories:

  • Prioritizers: different prioritizers to help you find the true priority of anything. Remember that not all activities can be prioritized the same way.
  • Project Palettes: extra themes to personalize further your experience.
  • Icons: Extra projects and lists icons to improve their classification.
  • Gifts: These are gifts to the developer and they do not come with any extra add-on feature. They only come with a grateful heart.

Restore Purchases

No, Premium provides lifetime access to Firstly’s premium features. Any add-on purchased is also unlocked permanently. Only by using a different AppleID should you buy Premium once more.

  • You can restore all previous purchases by going to the Settings > My Account > Restore Purchases.
  • Moreover, anywhere you could purchase within the app, you could also restore all previous purchases. Just look for the restore button or link.

Request Refund

The Firstly app uses Apple’s Report a Problem service to request refunds. To use this service, follow: 

  1. Sign in to
  2. Tap or click “I’d like to,” then choose “Request a refund.” 
  3. Choose the reason why you want a refund, then select Next.
  4. Select the Firstly app, then hit Submit.

Contact Support

Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Contact our team here.